Information about the noise monitoring system of Burgas Municipality:

In 2010 г., as part of implementation of project „Development of strategic environment noise map”, Burgas Municipality has put into operation last generation system for continuous environmental noise monitoring (type ENM, production of the professional producer of top quality noise measurement instruments, the company Brüel & Kjær – Denmark).

The measurement system for on-line monitoring and control of environmental noise incorporates 3 stationary measuring terminals – situated in Burgas city locations (as TD “Osvobojdenie”, TD ”Zora”, and Environmental Directorate in Burgas Municipality).

The on-line noise monitoring is the only reliable source for monitoring the development of the acoustics environment in city areas. Combined with a procedure for covering of a large number of measuring points (so expanding the scope of noise control), Burgas Municipality took an integrated approach with complex of specific steps focused on tracking, planning and reduction of over limit noise pollution. Further is provided an overview of total noise pollution disturbance in respect of normal rhythm of living and comfort of the population. In this regspect, as a part of the integrated approach for long-term reduction of environmental noise in Burgas city, the process of development of strategic noise map, and respective action plans includes a subsequent methodical continuity – tailored so to form the expert foundation for focused and effective plans and measures for dedicated noise reduction.


  • 3.stationary measuring terminals;
  • 1 server and client ID for on-line monitoring and database on going update.

View of the components and client’s interface:

View of the global portal and concept

Location of the noise monitoring terminals in Burgas city:

Locations of the terminals Adress Terminal ID
Burgas Municipality, Environmental Directorate Burgas, “Sheinovo” Str. 24 1
Burgas Municipality, TD Zora Complex "Lazur", “Perushtica” Str. 67 2
Burgas Municipality, TD Osvobojdenie Burgas, Complex "Slaveikov" 3

Longterm monitoring in permanent locations as follows:

  • Long term monitoring in locations № 1-3;
  • Final position for subsequent on-line monitoring for continuous snap shot of "noise" situation in selected locations in Burgas Municipality;
  • Example of typical spectrum characteristic of the measured spectral signals (registered noise "event"):

Conclusions using the noise monitoring system:

  • Indications for long-term development and change of the measured noise levels show insignificant in time (months) change in noise levels at selected locations.
  • The readings from spectral data of noise monitoring terminals show a normal frequency profile for selected locations (“urban”). The fundamental frequencies of interest (with the predominant amplitudes) are in the range between125 Hz – 1 kHz. Detailed analysis is available from the system database – an invaluable information for definition and adoption of future plans for noise reduction and control in Burgas city.
  • The measuring terminala no. 1 (ED) and no. 2 (Zora) indicate elevated levels of the average integral index Leq, dB (A) - due to the impact of road traffic source, irrespective of the position of the terminals away from the main sources (boulevards, air traffic, railway traffic, industry.
  • Terminal no. 3 (Osvobojdenie) is mainly exposed to the air traffic. The results until now reported data outside the busy summer season for Burgas Airport. Estimated levels of the average index Leq, dB (A) are low and below the exposure limit values, but has an increase of the indicator LAmax (an extremely stressful and influencing subjective index).